วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Ballard of Rapulzel...

I cannot believe the low number of views Dave Mason's music receives.  He is such a great talent.   There are a lot of people missing out on some exceptional music.  The music and the lyrics are incredible.  It sure takes me back to the great times of my youth.  Vivid memories of carefree times with the best friends I will ever have in my lifetime.  In a matter of seconds, the music takes you back 35 years.  I think music is the only thing that has the ability to do that.  It never ceases to amaze me. 

วันเสาร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

.........Oil Jobs..... in Amarillo, TX

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Many oil rig workers attended a Patterson UTI Drilling hiring event at ... for positions in the northeast Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. ... Amarillo family posts pictures of man, woman accused of looting their burnt home.

วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Lube Rubbock....The lonely slider

Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of Transactional Analysis ...

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Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of Transactional Analysis. [Eric Berne] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. We think we're relating ...

Games People Play by Eric Berne — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs ...


Onasis' exgirlfriend

ก่อนหน้านี้ Allow ก็ยังมีโอกาสที่จะสารภาพ...
ดูที่ตัวอย่างคุณ นิชา หิรัญบูรณะ ธุวธรรม

27 Nov 56 Mrs Nisha Hiran restore her life as a wife of commander Gen. officers who died in the incident on 10 Apr 53 posted in Facebook's Nicha Hiranburana Thuvatham comment. to people who claim to "neutral" looks as if it is good, but yea. Those who do not dare to face the consequences of their decisions separately, which today who do not have the answer. Or have an answer in mind. Proclaim the apparently To choose any answer During the grace, or selfless service. "Neutral" Today we went to the crossroads to decide whether to turn left or turn right, who claimed to be neutral so that it looks like a good person. In fact, the only track not recognize what is happening or not, you are not brave enough to face the consequences of their decisions. Because whether the left or right. Had a total impact Depending on whether you choose effects that are beneficial to themselves or advantage to the public, they are the ones that claim to neutrality has no choice. And there are many people who secretly choice in mind. But do not dare to tell anyone that you choose something because what? Reply himself to it wholeheartedly ... the answer is grace or favor.